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May 18th, 2017 was my first day home. My life completely changing hopefully in a positive way.  I am on Electronic Monitoring for 6 months. During that time whenever I leave my house it is scheduled through Probation.  I have a JRS  worker whom is there for me for Mental Health Treatment. I go to therapy twice a week once with Maya Organization and once with the Hope Foundation. I have worked with Maya since November 2015 and was a servant leader and mentor in the Hope Pre-Release Program.  I graduated with more than 120 classroom hours and a new understanding of myself. 


I enjoy helping others and realized just how important it is to have the right mindsets and correct thinking. If you think negative then you will be negative. I have spent the last 6 months working on my mind. As well as being a mentor in the program. 


I am working to help Ex Offenders, people with Mental Health issues, and recovering addicts change their way of thinking. At my graduation, the teachers said it was one of the most emotional graduations that they have had. We had all come so far. 


I have recently made my very first Video Blog which is huge because I have issues with people watching me when I talk. But over the last 6 months I have had to do a lot of public speaking. 


One of my issues with my PTSD is that I have a hard time being in crowded places even church. Because of my fears of people . Yet I have been working on that. 


Starting the Community Kitchen doing Culinary is a huge step for me. I am so excited class is Monday - Friday from 8- 3:30 starting August 4th . I have the chance to do something that I love to do. When I graduate I will be certified for 5 years in Managment Food Safty. 


Everyone that I am working with knows my background they helped me to work on Refinding me. After I complete Community Kitchen, I will be going to BidWell to get my major in Horticulture!


I have learned so much about helping others, working on myself and realized I can make a difference in the world!


I thought that being on Electronic Monitoring that my life would be put on hold but actually if you have the right mindset and the right support it doesn't have to be a bad thing. 


By this time next year I will have two degree's one in Culinary and one in Horticulture. 


I hope to reach as many people as I can and share my story so that they can know that there is Hope and that with direction and Goals anyone can change. 


I have my very first Grandchild ! Corbin he was born March 2017 I want to be there for him. I am so thankful for my son and the unconditional love he has for me. I had him when I was 15 he has become an amazing man. 


In this process, I have realized I no longer have to hide from my past. I am me I can't change my past but I can work each day at a better tomorrow. 



Thank you to my Therapist Monica Nelson, Ms. Fran has been so supportive of me and always had faith in me. My Re-entry Coordinator Sammie who helped me so much in the Self Classes. 


I cant wait to do more Blogs and keep sharing my story to inspire other's who have been at the worst place possible know they can find away forward. Please check my links section I will try to keep posting links that can help! 


If you need help and need someone to talk to don't hesitate to reach out to me. I am working on a workbook for Thinking for Change with lessons to help anyone go forward. 

My email address is 

I have learned everyone needs someone to talk to I won't judge you and I will do my best to help you find the resources you need.



















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