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Free Workbook coming soon

Over 95% of women incarcerated have suffered from, sexual abuse, domestic violence, and mental health issues. A large percentage of the population of women in jails have issues with addiction, low self-esteem and have no idea how to find themselves. I know because I was one of them. I was raped as a child in 3rd grade by Jessie Faulkner in Cambridge, Maryland, I grew up in a house filled with violence and drugs. We had very little and often went without the basic necessities.

I had always let those things define me. Until I found myself in jail because of my PTSD it ruled my thoughts it made choices for me. I was on auto pilot and it was my history of abuse that was making the choices for me. As I looked around me I thought whoa this is not my life, this is not who I am!

I worked with other women incarcerated and talked about trauma , addiction , relationships and how our faulty thinking led us to the wrong path. Now as I go forward I am working to teach other women how to change those faulty thinking patterns BEFORE they end up in a terrible place. I have created a workbook to overcome the Mask of Personality to help individuals create a personal service plan to confront their own minds and challenge themselves to get the help that they need , to find faith in themselves. There comes a time in everyone's life when they realize they have found themselves repeating the same habits from the past. When they realize that they are not the ones making the decisions in their lives, but their automatic thinking is. We find that the mistakes that happen in our lives are all related. " called lack-of-time perspective"

When you use this thinking pattern, you do not learn from past experiences or plan for the future. You see behaviors as isolated events. When you face reality and realize that its all connected you can start to change.

When we realize that our past is haunting us and causing us to Slide instead of Decide we end up in relationships that are not healthy, jobs that we didn't want . Our life is not ours it is simply a series of actions without thought. Its never to late to change. You can redesign your mind and change your mental road maps to create a life where you decide instead of slide and your life becomes healthy and you become a better version of yourself.

Are you ready to change the world with me? Let's start by changing your world first. Motivation comes in many forms and goes by many names Are you ready to overcome adversity, beat the odds, and invest insurmountable amounts of time and effort to reach for YOUR dreams and achieve success?

Even if right now your thinking you can't. I say you can and if you're ready you will. I personally witnessed changes in the lives of people that some would not see as possible. Some of you are taking some of your old almost forgotten dreams, dusting them off, building on them, and seeing new life. No one can do it for you. But with help PEOPLE CAN CHANGE. My program is geared to volunteer to help women that have been incarcerated , ex-offenders, women suffering from addiction and mental health issues.

When Anxiety takes control sometimes its hard to re-ground yourself.

I figured out how to do my workbook for Free ! I found an E-book template that is awesome. The work book goes over thinking patterns , and how they were developed. But most important how to change them. The workbook is completely free to anyone who requests it. As soon as its finished I will upload it so it can be downloaded for free.

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